The J-Man Show#73: Stalker Syndrome
The Monster Fest continues by taking a look into people who won't be ignored: Stalkers! A monster can exist in many forms especially people who will go through varying lengths to control or abuse people in their delusions and call it "love." So let's delve into the madness shall we? J360 Radio Hotline: 240-903-1634 Email: J360productions@outlook.com3 Listen live and subscribe to J360 Radio https://www.spreaker.com/user/j360radio Like, Subscribe, and Follow J360TV Twitch: https://twitch.tv/j360tv YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/j360productions Support J360 Productions: https://ko-fi.com/j360productions J360 Jams Submission Rules: https://j360productions.com/2022/07/25/j360-jams-submission-rules/ Social Media (J360 Productions) Twitter: J360productions Facebook.com/j360productions Email: J360productions@outlook.com